Bulldog Spotlight: Jessica Maldonado

We are so excited to announce our first Bulldog Spotlight of this school year! Jessica Maldonado has been an amazing TA & Harris support, helping our campus get ready for reopening and supporting our students virtually!

Get to to learn more about our new SpED resource TA: 

My name is Jessica Maldonado. I am SpEd Resource TA. This will be my second school year at Harris! My favorite subject is Reading. I love reading, I even enjoy going to the library just to go explore. 

I didn't attend a traditional college, but I did attend a trade school. Everest Institute, where I got a certificate as a Certified Medical Assistant!

My favorite thing about Harris is the students. They're all so funny, smart, and keep me on my toes!

Something people don't know about me: I count my steps when I walk or run, I've done it since I was a child. I don't know why I do it, but I do! OH! I also cover my ears when watching scary movies so I don't get scared?

If you see Mrs. Maldonado in virtual class or when campus reopens make sure to say hi & thank you for all the great things she does for Harris!
