Join our Pre K 3 & 4 Program!
Our amazing PreK teachers are hard at work building relationships with students. We have a free Pre-K 3 1/2 & full day program that partners with Child Inc. Our free Pre-K 4 program has both English & 2 way DL programs to support all students. Be sure to Join your students on classdojo for updates! Ask your child's teacher about it!
Nuestros increíbles maestros de PreK están trabajando arduamente para construir relaciones positivos con los estudiantes. únete a classdojo! Pregúntele al maestro de su hijo sobre classdojo.
Click the link to learn more about Pre K in AISD:

Meet Our Pre-K Teachers
Pre K 3:

Lorie Barney
Pre K 3 Teacher
University of Texas at Austin
Bilingual Education
Pre K 4:

Priscilla Quinonez
Dual Language Teacher
University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP)
Psychology & Minor in Biology
Austin ISD - Harris Teacher Of Promise 2020-21
Sierra Romero
Dual Language Teacher
Austin ISD- Harris Teacher Of The Year 2017-18