Thank you to our supporters & volunteers

The Parent Support Mr. Castillo would like to give a special shout out to those that gave to help Harris Elem this year.

  • Little Deli Staff for giving the Harris Campus a great luncheon
  • Isaac Rodriguez and Fire Stations #18, #14, #26
  • Carl Repp and Hope Lutheran Church
  • Gabriel Ransenberg from The Public Library
  • Sarah Robinson and Church of the Cross
  • Good Shepard Church
  • Neighbors Alice Graulty, Shiloh Fallon, and Julie Fiore
  • Laura Clarke, Christina Gaspari Sudderth, Jeannette Burke

Thank you all for helping give so many of our children have a happy Christmas during these hard times. We will not forget your support, time, effort and blessing you have given to T.G. Harris Elementary.


Rudolph Castillo

Parent Support Specialist
