Heart Healthy Week at Harris

It is Healthy Heart Week! Everyday the school announcements will be promoting ways to keep your heart healthy. Below you will see what we will discuss everyday and a link to resources to discuss with your child. On Friday, we will WEAR RED to raise awareness about heart disease.

Monday 2/1 - GET ACTIVE!
Physical Activities for Kids

Tuesday 2/2 - EAT WELL!!

Wednesday 2/3 - BE KIND TO YOURSELF!

Loving -Kindness Meditation

Thursday 2/4 - BE KIND TO OTHERS!
Simple ways to practice gratitude -https://www.heart.org/-/media/healthy-living-files/infographics/simple-ways-to-practice-gratitude-infographic.pdf?la=en

Friday 2/5 GO RED - Wear red to raise awareness about heart disease
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