Bulldog News
Our Bulldog Spotlight: Ms. Yom
This week's spotlight is Ms. Yom! She is our sweet 1st Grade teacher and we are so lucky to have her on the Bulldog Team! What is your position? 1st grade ESL Teacher How long have you taught at Harris? 4 years
Our Bulldog Spotlight: Mrs. Briscoe
This week's spotlight is Mrs. Briscoe! She is our AMAZING 2nd Grade teacher and we are so lucky to have such a great teacher on the Bulldog Team! Position: 2nd grade ESL How long have you taught at Harris? 6 years
9 Week Testing This Week!
Students will be assessing their knowledge of the last quarter this week through nine week testing! Tues 10/15- 4th grade Writing Nine Week's Test Wed 10/16- 3rd, 4th, 5th Reading Nine Week Test Thurs 10/17- 3rd, 4th, 5th Math Nine Week Test
No School for Student 10/11 & 10/ 14
There is no school for students this upcoming FRIDAY and next Monday October 11th & 14th. October 11- Day of Innovation October 14- Parent Conferences
Our Bulldog Spotlight: Ms. Wyatt
Every few weeks we feature an amazing staff member at our campus! This week our Bulldog Spotlight is on Sonya Wyatt, our AP! Name: Sonya Wyatt Position: PROUD Assistant Principal How long at Harris: 4 years
Mayor's Health & Fitness Award WINNER!
Congratulations Bulldogs for being recipients of the Mayor's Health and Fitness Award! Way to go Bulldogs!
Code of Conduct
Click below to see the AISD Student Code of Conduct! https://www.austinisd.org/family-support/conduct-code Campus Behavior Coordinator
Pre-K Registration
We are still registering students for Pre-K 3 and Pre-K 4 for the 2019-2020 school year! We offer both half day and full day programs (with Child Inc.)
Free Breakfast in the Classroom
We are excited to announced that Harris Elementary will continue to implement Free Breakfast in the Classroom(BIC) and Lunch this school year! For more information about the program, click here
VIDA clinic Parent Class - How to Help Children with Anxiety on Nov 13
The VIDA clinic is presenting a parenting class on how to assist your child with anxiety on Tuesday Nov. 13. We will be meeting in Rm 103 from 2:00 - 3:00pm. See you there.
Thank you to our Cafeteria Bulldogs!
This week we celebrate our Cafeteria workers! Stop by and let them know how much you appreciate their hard work in preparing meals for our Bulldogs!